Every day, there is a story. Every day something unique happens in our lives worthy of note, whether in form of an idea that can give us the wealth of our dreams, or an event sent to teach us a life changing lesson it is up to us to preserve these precious jewels in the best way possible.


Everybody has a story; our life is a journal, a chronicle of events and decisions. Success is never about intelligence or opportunities; it is always about decisions. The decisions we take in our lives determine the sweetness of our life stories. You are the author of your life story not even God can stop or change it unless you decide to let him. We may not be in control of the events that happen in our lives, but we decide what to make of them. 


No matter how bad – or good things are, remember that as long as you are alive, you always have a choice to make the most out of it. It is never what happens, but how you react to it that determines how your story ends.

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