Hmmm… What to write… If you’re an ace writer of sorts I’m sure this happens to you. There is an urge to write, though you don’t know what you ought. It’s like a fire in my belly, vented by the pen only.

Ok, I’m actually bored, lying in bed and sleep has refused to visit at its usual hour, it has decided to take a detour to my husband’s side of the bed, thus increasing my need for a “physicalistic” companion of sorts.

The bad thing about times likes this is that the urge to do something extremely productive ever arises and the desire to pray or study is far from me at this point.

I turned to Facebook, and it gave me very little pleasure. Even DStv was so boring it made my neck ache! So, I turned to writing, after all its good for the brain, or at least good exercise for the fingers. As I thought of what to write, half asleep and half awake, a call came in on my phone, it was an old friend whose number I didn’t have. Now since I’d “changed” my phone number, only family had called my phone, so I never expected the phone to ring. “Sorry Tomi, this is… The code you gave me was wrong, so I went to your husband’s page on Facebook (thank you FB!) to get the right code…”


Now I knew why friends hadn’t been calling! As we talked about old times and laughed over comments made by our other friends, I was forced to count my blessings and remember the times that God had brought me through, and the lamp posts he brought my way in dark times disguised as friends. If only I had the grace to be as good to them as most have been to me, if only I could be a light as many of them have been to me…

What can I say about friends? They are that beacon of hope that God sends your way every now and then to show you he cares. Be that beacon for somebody today. They say there are no good friends, that people can’t be trusted. Let someone find a friend in you.

More grace!


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